New Year, New You!

I used to love nothing more than writing up my end of year blog posts.  If you care to scroll back through the 8 years of blog posts, you’ll find them.

For the last few years, while I was doing my degree, this site fell by the wayside. Don’t get me wrong, there have been many “i’m back!” posts, but none constant.

The biggest reason why was that I was hired by other people to write for them. Yes, dear blog reader, the dream came true! The dream that initiated this site, being a paid writer, became the reality.

And the most wonderful thing about dreams, is that if you keep having them, you open yourself to the possibilities of those coming true too!

For the last 5 years, or so, I worked as a digital journalist and helped many people get to grips with the internet and online world. Oh what fun!

I also, and this was the big one for me, met THE ONE. Yay! He’s currently sitting on the sofa, (our sofa) watching Homes Under The Hammer, on our TV, in our house, with our dog on his lap! Double Yay!

Next year, 2019, we get married, so the first part of the year will be busy with organising our celebrations with our faves.

And in the wonderful way that life continues to evolve and grow, I trained as a Yoga Teacher and will be teaching Yoga in Edinburgh from January! Triple yay!!

I’m going to aim to keep blogging here, so do pop back if you’d like to keep updated.

And to all those single mums out there, keep striving, keep dreaming, and keep on keeping on! You are worthy of


the BEST!

One response to “New Year, New You!”

  1. […] gave you a quick recap in this post so you know what I was up to, but now I’d like to tell you what I am doing going […]

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